
I promised myself I wasn’t going to do any blog award memes anymore and just thank everybody in my general Nominations & Thanks post… But no less than four awesome bloggers have nominated me in the last few days, so I thought why not share the love?! Thank you Sheetal @ Dreaming WordzAlina @ Radiant ReadsMaren @ The Worn Bookmark and Reckless Indulgence for the nominations!! 😀 ❤

poster-moment-awesome-you-are The rules of the award are:
1. Show the award on your blog.
2. Thank the person who nominated you.
3. Share seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 blogs. 

I’m going to cheat and nominate all of you!! Thanks to the enormous amount of amazing book bloggers this community has been like the home away from home… Thanks for giving me the inspiration to keep reading and blogging! You guys rock!! ❤


On to the seven facts…

  1. I LOVE cooking and baking. I love experimenting with different foods from different cultures and normally don’t follow recipes unless I’m trying to cook something specific. My hubby doesn’t seem to complain hehe. I love anything curry and one of my favorite recipes would be this awesome mint oreo brownie. Soooo delicious, I wish I had a few pieces right now to go with my capuccino. 😉
  2. petsI love animals and I currently own a dog and six cats! Although four of those are little kittens born only two weeks ago and I will only keep one. 😉 My inlaws next door have another dog, so things are getting crowded outside haha. From top to bottom are Jazmin, the mother of Sienna below and the little kittens to the right. (The black one is a male, so I’m going to keep him, yay!) Then we have Paco, who we should have named Tornado or something; he is about 6 months old and totally destructive. Lastly is Pini who is owned by my inlaws…
  3. Sadly enough, I read more e-books than actual books… It’s not easy and rather expensive to buy paperback/hardback copies of English novels in Argentina, so I normally stick with the digital version. Sometimes I wish I would move to an English speaking country with my hubby just so I can buy more books! 😉
  4. My favorite color is blue and it shows; I even painted a few walls blue at home. 😀
  5. I hate the cold winter months! I can handle a one or two week vacation with snow, but anything longer than that and I will probably end up frozen solid. I’m the kind of person who has to wear three pairs of everything when the temperature drop below zero.
  6. I have lousy ankles and knees after playing too much volleyball when I was younger, but I’ve set myself a goal to participate in a 5KM run by the end of the year anyway. Wish me luck! 😉
  7. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but I’m a leftie and it’s not easy to find a teacher. I’m also a terrible singer, so even if I do learn to play, I wouldn’t be able to sing along.