
Title: Tipping Point
Author: Tomas Byrne

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Political
First published: October 3rd 2016
Publisher: Delta Stream Books
Finished reading: December 13th 2016
Pages: 414
DNF at 41%
qq 0 star rating

“The past is a tricky thing, Joe. Don’t pull the puzzle any more apart, or you might not fit the pieces back together.”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Reading Alley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I was invited to join Reading Alley last month, and I picked Tipping Point by Tomas Byrne as my very first Reading Alley ARC. Even though political stories are normally not really my cup of tea, I was really intrigued by the blurb of this story and the potential connections to the actual world climate change situation. I had high hopes for this story, but unfortunately I ended up having to make the though decision to DNF it. I’m not saying Tipping Point is a bad read and the right person will probably love the story. In fact most reviews I have seen so far are really positive, so the main problem is most likely me and not this political thriller. That doesn’t take away I had a hard time to stay focused on the story and plot, both because the pace was quite slow and the ‘preachy/dry’ feel of all elements related to politics and climate change. I had put the story on hold two or three times before deciding not to finish it, and that made me conclude that this story simply isn’t for me. If you like political thrillers and don’t mind a slowish pace, I would definitely suggest giving Tipping Point a chance though. The story has without doubt a lot of potential!


Both Joe Hawkins and Kate Farrow used to work for the government, and are now whistleblowers wanted by the US and UK authorities. They have been exiled from their homelands after divulging information relating to a corrupt arms-for-oil deal, and are currently on the run. They are getting tired of running though, and they finally get a chance to fight back as they learn about the dubious events at the headquartes of an environmental group in California. Will they be able to find a way to finally stop running?


I don’t often decide to DNF a book, but I had such a hard time reading Tipping Point that I made an exception. I’m by no means saying it’s a bad read, but sometimes you just know a story isn’t for you. The slowish pace and ‘dry’ political elements made it impossible for me to properly enjoy this novel, which is a shame because I liked the sound of the plot. I seem to be in the minority though, so if you like the genre I suggest giving Tipping Point a shot.