I had originally decided to include this new feature in my monthly wrap ups, but I just felt there were too many facts squeezed into one little post and the whole purpose of putting my favorite reads in the spotlight was lost. So this is me giving those favorites their well deserved extra attention! I think most people will be able to guess what my favorite read of August was after my raving review, especially since I called it my new absolute favorite of 2018. So without further delay, August 2018’s favorite is… *drumroll*

The 7 Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton!! There was just no way I couldn’t not pick this title as my absolute favorite. It’s one of the best books I’ve read to this date and I was blown away by just how good it was. This is THE book I will recommend over and over again to those who haven’t read it yet!

What I said in my review:

“Let’s start with another metaphor: even days after reaching the final page of a new all-time-favorite, I’m still picking up the pieces of my mindblown brain. The 7 Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle is unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and I have read my share of mystery/thrillers during my time on this planet.”

“Brilliant. Mindblowing. Flabbergasting. Extremely well executed. And overall 200% worth your time.”

Click here for my full review

There were five titles with a 4,5 star rating in August, but one was a reread so I won’t count it. The four titles I featured here actually belong to a wide variety of genres, just the way I like it. All of them are without doubt excellent reads and deserve all the praise! In the order I’ve read them:

What I said in my review:

Fredrik Backman is a true master in creating unique and flawed characters that you cannot help falling in love with.”

“Basically, I loved every single minute of this book, and while nothing can beat Ove, both My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She’s Sorry and Britt-Marie Was Here currently share a second place on my list of Backman favorites.”

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“What a wonderful wonderful read! My only complaint would be that I wish the story would have been longer, because there is so much to love and only a limited amount of pages to do so.”

“For such a short read, the character development is sublime and part of the reason this story works so well. Nancy, Sumi, Kade, Jack and Jill… I just loved the diversity of the characters, and I can really appreciate the inclusion of lgbt elements. ”

Click here for my full review 

What I said in my review:

Mortals And Immortals Of Greek Mythology is ment to give children a little insight in who is who in Greek mythology with the help of both lovely illustrations and easy to follow short descriptions and stories around the characters.”

“Wonderful to look at and educative at once: this handy and interesting guide will be an entertaining journey for both young and old.”

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

Call To Arms has exactly the same quality I have become used to. Strong, solid and engaging writing, excellent character development, an interesting plot… This detective thriller has it all.”

Call To Arms is another excellent addition to this series and I can’t wait to find out what happens in the next book. I can highly recommend this series if you enjoy the genre!”

Click here for my full review

Have you read any of these titles above? What did you think of them? What were your favorite reads in August?


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