I had originally decided to include this feature in my monthly wrap ups, but I just felt there were too many facts squeezed into one little post and the whole purpose of putting my favorite reads in the spotlight was lost. So this is me giving those favorites their well deserved extra attention! I had a new 5 star read during May, so it was easy to pick a favorite for a change. Without further delay, May’s favorite book is: *drumroll*

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson!! I kept hearing great things about this story, and I’m SO glad I finally gave in.

“This is such an unique and quirky thriller, and while it can go both ways depending on how you react to the writing style, I personally knew this was going to be a 5 star read for me almost straight away.”

“Locked room trope, serial killer crime, bad weather, lots of bookish elements and references, humor… This story has it all and more.

Click here for my full review

I had two 4.75 star ratings during May, and no less than five! 4.5 star ratings. A variety of different (sub)genres as well, which I always love. I also had two more 4.25 star ratings, but I won’t be sharing those as this post is too long as it is.

What I said in my review:

The Last Secret Of Lily Adams is a dual timeline story and a blend of historical Hollywood glamour, family drama and a mystery that will keep you on your toes. I simply couldn’t get enough! It was without doubt one of my reading highlights so far this year.”

The Last Secret Of Lily Adams is a blend of different genres as well as topics, creating a rich and multi-faceted story that will appeal to a wide public.

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“I basically knew I was going to love this story almost immediately, and I loved every single minute spent with this book.”

“The plot structure is clever, and there were a couple big twists I never saw coming. I had such a fantastic time reading The Only One Left, and I can recommend it to anyone who enjoys atmospheric and creepy gothic thrillers where nothing is as it seems.

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

Stigma is already book number four, and without doubt another fantastic installment.”

“There is also no doubt that Stigma goes out with a bang. I’m SO curious to see what book five will have in store for us after those developments! As always, the acknowledgements were the icing on the cake.

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“Fast-paced, snappy and highly engaging; Original Twin definitely lived up to expectations for me.”

“If you don’t mind suspending your disbelief and like your thrillers with a healthy dose of family drama and secrets, this book might just be the one for you.

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“I think this book came at exactly the right time for me, because I was craving a cute and mostly uplifting romance and this is exactly what this story turned out to be.”

“I ended up having so much fun reading this story, and I already can’t wait to read the sequel with Sori in the spotlight. This was my first time reading Axie Oh, and I already know she will appear on my list of favorite new author discoveries of 2024!

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“This is EXACTLY my kind of thriller: fast-paced, action-packed and highly engaging. And while things can be said about the credibility of it all, it sure provides you with an absolutely riveting and thrilling rollercoaster ride!”

“In short, if you are looking for a story that will deliver the thrill in thriller, The Paris Widow  definitely fits the bill. It’s my new favorite Kimberly Belle story and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed she will write similar stories in the future… I was hooked from the very first chapter!

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“There is just something about her writing style that draws you straight in, and I literally flew through this book.”

“The plot is less intricate than some of her other books, but between the writing and the characters I was more than entertained. I do always love a story set on a ship! There was mystery, there was intrigue, there was romance, there was revenge, there was murder, there was an explosive ending… And a lightning-fast pace to get you there.

Click here for my full review

Have you read any of these titles above? What did you think of them? What were your favorite reads in May?

You can also find me at Goodreads. StoryGraph. Twitter. Instagram. Bloglovin’.