WWW WEDNESDAYS is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words and is all about answering the three questions below.


I’m currently reading 20 Books Of Summer book number six with Riley Thorn And The Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score. Not my typical read, but there was something about the blurb I couldn’t resist… And I’m also starting another July ARC: You Are Not Alone by Leah Cupps. I loved the sound of the remote setting in the blurb, but the reviews haven’t been that positive so far so we’ll see how things go I guess.


1. The Collapsing Wave by Doug Johnstone (5/5 stars) REVIEW 02/07
The first book of what is now confirmed as a trilogy, The Space Between Us, ended up being on my list of 2023 favorites, so it is easy to understand why I was over the moon when I heard about this sequel. I absolutely loved my time with Sandy and the rest of the cast, and I couldn’t wait to meet up with them again in The Collapsing Wave. While it’s true that I don’t exactly read a lot of sci-fi, and definitely not if there are aliens involved, this series is simply so much more than a simple alien sci-fi story. And like with the first book, I absolutely loved every single minute reading it.

2. The Curse Of The Flores Women by Angelica Lopes (4.5/5 stars) REVIEW 21/06
I’m always interested in translated fiction and getting to know the work of previously unknown (to me) authors. It’s not often I get to travel to Brazil while reading, so of course I was very excited to have the opportunity to do so with The Curse Of The Flores Women. My Portuguese isn’t exactly up to standard to be able to read a whole novel, and I thought that this upcoming English translation was the perfect opportunity to finally try Angélica Lopes‘ writing. I have to say that this turned out to be a very satisfying read, and I will be looking forward to explore more of her work in the future.

3. The Book Of Purrs by Luis Coelho (3.75/5 stars) REVIEW 22/07
I know that I don’t exactly read a lot of comics, but I’ve seen Luis Coelho‘s art before and I couldn’t resist adding The Book Of Purrs to my shelves. This is actually an e-copy of what will be a hardcover when published, and I was lucky enough to have access to it early. I have to say that this would make the perfect table book and/or gift for any cat lover!

4. Made For You by Jenna Satterthwaite (4.5/5 stars) REVIEW 24/06
There was just something about the blurb of Made For You that made it impossible to resist. I was completely intrigued by that AI angle combined with a reality TV show and a murder mystery; it sounded like a bookish cocktail with a LOT of potential! I’m happy to announce that this story without doubt exceeded expectations for me, and it was impossible to put down. This was the genre mashup I never knew I needed, and this debut blew me away.

5. Welcome To The Hyunam-Dong Bookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum (2.5/5 stars) REVIEW 11/07
On paper, Welcome To The Hyunam-Dong Bookshop should have been a great fit for me. I love bookish stories, and the fact that this story is mainly set inside a bookshop and offers lots of bookish references alone should have been able to convince me. I was looking forward to more insight in Seoul life and how the bookshop influenced the characters in play… But somehow this story fell flat for me instead, and I confess that I caught myself skimreading more than once. Extremely slow and no real plot to speak of.

6. The Vanishing Act by Sarah Ward (4/5 stars) REVIEW 27/06
I enjoyed my first two meetings with Mallory Dawson, so of course I couldn’t resist adding book number three The Vanishing Act to my shelves. Add the fact that the blurb sounded fascinating with a family disappearing without a trace, the false identities and the hint at the paranormal, and I’ve been looking forward to read it. I have to say that this story hit the right spot for me again! Book two was a bit slower and less engaging for me, but The Vanish Act raises the stakes again and delivers us a suspenseful and truly intriguing ride.

7. Don’t Look Back by Jo Spain (4.25/5 stars) REVIEW 06/07
I’ve been meaning to read another Jo Spain thriller for a while and it seems like my TBR jar agreed and chose Don’t Look Back as my next TBR jar pick. I was definitely excited, as I always love a story with a travel element and the blurb sounded SO good. I’ve been looking forward to dive in, and I have to say that this psychological thriller more than delivered for me. I couldn’t stop reading!

8. Tell No One by Harlan Coben (4/5 stars) REVIEW 19/07
Harlan Coben‘s thrillers haven’t let me down yet, and I’ve been slowly making my way through his backlist. I decided to turn to his most read title next: Tell No One. Of course I wasn’t surprised when I ended up finishing it in less than a day. There is something about the way he writes his stories that is both highly addictive and extremely engaging, and this story is no exception. I was hooked from the very beginning, with the mysterious messages and a dead wife that might just be alive after all… And it sure was an action-packed and suspensful ride!


I’m probably reading 20 Books Of Summer title number seven and eight next with The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen and The Prophet And The Idiot by Jonas Jonasson. I keep hearing great things about the first, and I’ve been curious about the second ever since I first heard about it… His books can go both ways for me, so we’ll see how things go. Afterwards, I might pick up The Beaten Track by Louise Mangos; gotta love a book that will take me to multiple international settings for my bookish travel. 😉 I also have a new TBR jar pick! It’s Play For Me by Libby Hubscher, which is also set for one of the states still needed for the Traveling Through The 50 US States challenge so that is a bonus.

You can also find me at Goodreads. StoryGraph. Twitter. Instagram. Bloglovin’.