
TEASER TUESDAYS is a weekly book meme originally featured at A Daily Rhythm. To participate, just open the book you are currently reading to a random page, and choose two ‘teaser’ sentences from somewhere on that page. (no spoilers!)

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is my newest TBR jar pick and it’s a book I have been wanting to read for ages now… I guess the TBR jar was a great excuse to finally pick it up. I’m not too far into the story yet but so far I am really enjoying the descriptions!


My teaser (6%):

“The man appeared younger on the stage, his age buried under the glare of the footlights and layers of makeup. The face in the mirror is lined, the hair significantly greying. But there is something youthful in the grin that appears as he catches sight of the man standing in the doorway.”

What are you reading right now?