I had originally decided to include this new feature in my monthly wrap ups, but I just felt there were too many facts squeezed into one little post and the whole purpose of putting my favorite reads in the spotlight was lost. So this is me giving those favorites their well deserved extra attention! I had no new 5 star reads in April, but I did have three titles that came pretty darn close and all three were fantastic. Picking just one winner was so SO hard! But I did it, so without further delay, April 2019’s favorite is… *drumroll*

Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson!! I’m definitely happy I joined the @criminallygoodbookclub on Instagram and read this story… It doesn’t happen often that a story manages to surprise me this much. What a read!

What I said in my review:

Before She Knew Him is well written, suspenseful and has an enormous plot twist bomb towards the end that will leave you with your mouth hanging wide open.”

“This story also packs a HUGE surprise you won’t see coming at all… And I love it when a story is able to mislead me so well I actually yelled ‘WHAT?!?!’ when I stumbled across the reveal. If you enjoy the genre, Before She Knew Him is definitely a story not to miss.”

Click here for my full review

Two other stories received an almost perfect rating, one historical fiction read with a hint of the surreal set in Mexico and the other a mythology retelling set before the Troyan War. In the order I’ve read them:

What I said in my review:

“With an air of the writing style of Gabriel Garcia MarquezThe Murmur Of Bees tells us the story of a wealthy land owner family and how the appearance of the mysterious Simonopio both saved and changed their lives forever. The writing is lush and wonderful and will truly transport you to a different time and country… It’s a story of love, joy, sadness and desperation; a story of different generations, family and a country damaged by war and the 1918 influenza outbreak. ”

“Both Simonopio and his bees and the folklore tales incorporated into stories are incorporated in such a way that they create a perfect balance with the rest of the plot and they give The Murmur Of Bees an unique touch. The result is a complex and enchanting story and a journey any fan of the genre will enjoy undertaking.”

Click here for my full review

What I said in my review:

“I loved the fact that the story doesn’t focus on just one character, but instead offers us multiple views and stories to treasure. This givesSong Of Sacrifice a multidimensional and rich feel and definitely added to my positive experience with this story. Gods and humans alike play a role in this story, and I think descriptions and historical setting are spot on.”

Song Of Sacrifice is part of a series, and book one doesn’t actually get to the point of the Troyan war yet, but reading about the (lesser known) years leading up to the war is just as fascinating. Fans of historical fiction and Greek mythology retellings will love spending time with this story.”

Click here for my full review

Have you read any of these titles above? What did you think of them? What were your favorite reads in April?


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