WWW WEDNESDAYS is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words and is all about answering the three questions below.


Yes, I’m *still* reading the classic Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier… It’s not that I’m not enjoying it (although it did have a slow start); I’ve been struggling with a slump lately and I somehow can’t find the motivation to read. Fingers crossed it will go away soon! I might start Maggie Moves On by Lucy Score to see if a change of genre helps.


1. Jackdaw by Daniel Cole (3,5/5 stars) REVIEW 02/10
Daniel Cole is easily one of my favorite new author discoveries this year, so of course I was very excited when I heard about this new series coming out. Add the fact that I always love a good crime thriller with a serial killer angle, and there was no way that I was going to pass up on the opportunity to read Jackdaw… And WOW, what a ride it turned out to be! If you like your thrillers on the action-packed, exhilarating and over the top side, you will be in for a treat with this one.

2. Light by M. John Harrison (DNF 10%; 0 stars) REVIEW 05/10
I’ve had a copy of Light on my shelves for years now, and I decided to finally pick it up as it fitted one of the prompts for the POPSUGAR challenge. It’s true that I don’t tend to read a lot of sci-fi, but I’ve had a few winners so far this year so I was hopeful to add another sci-fi title to that list. Sadly, Light didn’t come even close. In fact, I only suffered through 10% of the story before I couldn’t take it anymore, and I only made it that far because it was a physical copy… What an absolute trainwreck of a book.


I will probably pick up my final Beat The Backlist Bingo title Violet by S.J.I. Holliday next so that I can finish another challenge… Then it’s my final POPSUGAR challenge title Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender for the same reason. Afterwards I’ll probably read my final (for now) October ARC with The Blue Monsoon by Damyanti Biswas. I loved the first book of the series, and I have high hopes for this detective thriller sequel set in India.  My newest TBR jar pick Letters To The Lost by Brigid Kemmerer will have to wait until October.

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