Title: If Something Happens To Me
Author: Alex Finlay
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Crime
First published: May 28th 2024
Publisher: Head Of Zeus
Finished reading: May 9th 2024
Pages: 336

“Whoever said if you’re seeking revenge, dig two graves – one for your enemy and one for yourself – had it almost right.”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Head Of Zeus in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I always seem to have a great time reading Alex Finlay‘s thrillers, so it’s easy to understand why I was over the moon that my request for his newest story If Something Happens To Me was actually approved. I’ve been wanting to pick it up ever since it appeared on my kindle, as I loved the sound of the blurb with the promise of an international setting and multiple layers… And I have to say that I ended up having a blast with this story. Engaging, fast-paced and action-packed: If Something Happens To Me turned out to be yet another more than solid thriller.

This story uses a multiple POV structure and is also divided into different parts. These layers gave the story more dimension, and while you might wonder how the different POVs fit in together at first, it all becomes clear in the end. The POVs are spread out over different locations as well: you begin with Ryan in Italy, deputy Poppy in Kansas and the third set in Philadelphia that will provide the mobster angle. The last one doesn’t seem to fit in with the story at first, but once the connection became clear I admit it was a clever one.

I love stories with a travel element, and we get plenty of that while we follow Ryan around. Italy, UK, France… His journey takes him across Europe as well as the US, and I liked what the locations added to the plot. This is probably why Ryan’s POV is one of my favorites, although I really enjoyed spending time with Poppy as well. I could also appreciate that the different POVs introduced different thriller subgenres to the plot, blending for example detective, crime, psychological and mobster elements along the way. The story as a whole felt well balanced and I quite enjoyed the resulting thriller cocktail.

Things can be said about the credibility of it all, as certain twists are either farfetched or too convenient. I also spotted one of the big twists quite early on, but as a whole there were still plenty surprises along the way as well. If you don’t mind the plot being over the top and are more interested in the entertainment level, If Something Happens To Me most likely won’t let you down. Between the fast pace and engaging writing style it will be easy to keep turning those pages!

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