WWW WEDNESDAYS is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words and is all about answering the three questions below.


I’m currently reading my first 20 Books Of Summer title: Listen For The Lie by Amy Tintera. I’m SO excited to be reading this one, because I keep hearing fantastic things! I will also be starting 20 Books Of Summer title number two: From Below by Darcy Coates. I’ve been meaning to try more of her books after a fantastic first experience last year, and it’s another book I’ve been looking forward to.


1. The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews (3.25/5 stars) REVIEW 23/06
I loved my first experience with Mary Kay Andrews‘ writing last December, and I’ve been meaning to read more of her books ever since. I actually picked up The Homewreckers on a whim when I was looking for a little change of genre… I loved the sound of the blurb with the house renovation reality TV angle, and I was in the mood for a little romance. Somehow, I wasn’t as charmed by The Homewreckers as I thought I would be though. More about the why behind my mixed thoughts in my review.

2. A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green (2/5 stars) REVIEW 23/06
I know that this isn’t exactly my typical read, but I was pleasantly surprised by the first book back when I read it two years ago. I then discovered that the sequel fitted more than one 2024 challenge, and I decided to pick up A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor on a whim. I’m not sure if I was just in the wrong reading mood or if this sequel is really quite different from the first book, but the fact is that I ended up struggling immensely with this story. I came close to DNFing more than once, and I kind of wish I had to be honest. More about the why in my review…

3. Veronica Ruiz Breaks The Bank by Elle Cosimano (3.5/5 stars) REVIEW 06/07
I’m a big fan of the Finlay Donovan series, and I couldn’t resist picking up this novella Veronica Ruiz Breaks The Bank on a whim when I was in the mood for a dose of humor. I love Vero’s character, and I’ve been looking forward to learn a bit more about her. While I do have to say that this novella isn’t as strong as the rest of the series and I missed the banter between Vero and Finlay, I still enjoyed reading it.

4. The Pain Tourist by Paul Cleave (4.5/5 stars) REVIEW 25/06
I’ve enjoyed Paul Cleave’s writing in the past, and when I realized I hadn’t visited New Zealand yet this year I decided to remedy that immediately. There are a couple of his backlist titles I’ve been wanting to pick up, but in the end I decided to read The Pain Tourist first. Not really a surprise, as I do have a weak spot for a good serial killer thriller… And I was curious about possible references to the Cleaner duology. I think this might just be my new favorite Paul Cleave title!

5. Open Season by C.J. Box (3/5 stars) REVIEW 25/06
I finally tried one of this author’s books last December, and it was without doubt a successful first meeting. I’ve been meaning to continue that series ever since, but I decided to read the first Joe Pickett book instead. Not only was I intrigued by that game warden angle, but the Wyoming setting also ment one more state for my Traveling Through The 50 US States challenge… Always a bonus of course. Now that I’ve read Open Season, I wasn’t quite as taken away by it as I thought I would.

6. A Clean Kill by Steven Konkoly (3.75/5 stars) REVIEW 17/06
I have a weak spot for serial killer thrillers, so of course I couldn’t resist getting an ARC of A Clean Kill. I’m so glad I did now, because I had a great time reading it! This is exactly my kind of thriller: action-packed, fast-paced, twisted… You definitely have to suspend your disbelief to be able to enjoy it, and there are a lot of acronyms involved, but I personally didn’t mind too much. This story isn’t for those with a weak stomach though! There is a LOT of violence going on and the bodies pile up in record speed.


I have a couple more July ARCs I need to get to… First up are The Backtrack by Erin La Rosa and The Lost Victim by Robert Bryndza. I’m looking forward to the time travel element in the first one, and Bryndza’s thrillers never let me down. I also want to read 20 Books Of Summer title number three Murder Road by Simone St. James. Another most-anticipated release! My latest TBR jar pick Don’t Look Back by Jo Spain will have to wait a little while longer, although I do plan to read it in June.

You can also find me at Goodreads. StoryGraph. Twitter. Instagram. Bloglovin’.