
Title: Fairest
(The Lunar Chronicles #3.5)
Author: Marissa Meyer
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Retelling
First published: January 27th 2015
Finished reading: August 19th 2015
Pages: 222
Rating 4

“She cried for the girl who had never belonged. A girl who tried so hard, harder than anyone else, and still never had anything to show for it.”


A lot of people probably have realized by now I love The Lunar Chronicles. This series is easily one of my favorite reads this year and I can’t wait for the fourth book Winter to be published. To make the wait a little less painful, I decided to finally read Fairest. I haven’t been enjoying the novellas as much as the main series so far and this one isn’t an exception. Don’t get me wrong: I still love the prose, setting and everything, but I just feel something is missing. The fact that Levana isn’t one of my favorite characters might be a problem, although I still enjoyed learning more about how she became the person she is in the main series. Fairest also gives you a little sneak peek of the Winter character… Which made me wish it was November already. If you enjoyed Marissa Meyer‘s series so far, you will like this one as well. Just make sure you don’t read it before you finish Cress


WARNING: do not read this summary if you haven’t read the first three books in the series yet! It will most likely contain spoilers, even though I’ve made sure to keep it short.

Most people already know Queen Levana uses her glamour at all times to hide her true face. But what they don’t know is why she feels she has to. In Fairest, we learn all about Levana’s past and her cruel sister Channery… The past that damaged her and made her into the person she is today. Because Levana wasn’t always the evil person she seems to be today and she does have feelings after all…


Even though I’m not a big fan of Levana’s character it was nice to learn more about her past; it makes her more human and it’s easier to understand the current situation. Maybe I didn’t enjoy Fairest as much as the main series, but Marissa Meyer‘s prose is just as magical as ever and I would definitely recommend reading this one. Plus, it includes an excerpt for Winter; a huge bonus for those who want to know what happens next!