
TEASER TUESDAYS is a weekly book meme originally featured at Books And A Beat. To participate, just open the book you are currently reading to a random page, and choose two ‘teaser’ sentences from somewhere on that page. (no spoilers!)

With the Goodreads Choice Awards running this month, I have been trying to read more titles nominated in various categories. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi has been on my TBR for a while now, so I thought it was the perfect excuse to finally pick it up. (That and the fact that I discovered it was at least partly set in the 18th century, which is is exactly the era I was missing for a challenge). I’m only a few pages into the story, but it looks promising so far.


My teaser (5%):

“Effia pulled his hand from her mouth and stared at him for a while longer. She remembered her mother’s joy at seeing her leave, and knew that James was right. She couldn’t go home.”

What are you reading right now?