Bout Of Books 19.0 day two is done and dusted, and I managed to finish Enchanters like suspected. I also started Aurabel, but I had to put it on hold because I had a really hard time making sense of the worldbuilding. I picked up Room instead and it worked: I literally flew through the pages and finished it in less than a day! I’m glad I finally picked up my copy, it was SO good.

DAY 2: TUESDAY MAY 9th 2017

# Pages read today: 124 (Enchanters) + 15 (Aurabel) + 321 (Room)
# Total pages read: 808
# Book continued: Enchanters by K.F. Bradshaw
# Books finished: Enchanters by K.F. Bradshaw (3/5 stars) // Room by Emma Donoghue (4,5/5)
# Books started: Aurabel by Laura Dockrill // Room by Emma Donoghue


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