
TEASER TUESDAYS is a weekly book meme hosted at The Purple Booker. To participate, just open the book you are currently reading to a random page, and choose two ‘teaser’ sentences from somewhere on that page. (no spoilers!)

First of all a big thank you to everyone who took time to read (and respond to) my post yesterday! ❤ Your advice was really helpful and I’m going to keep in mind all the tips to try and get out of my blogging slump as soon as possible. I’ve decided to stick with the weekly memes so far since they are fun and easy, so be ready for another teaser coming up below. 😉

I’m going to try and read the most urgent ARCs before the end of the month and then concentrate mostly on my own books in August… Most of them are thrillers, but I needed something different so I decided to pick up The Lost Book Of The Grail by Charlie Lovett. I’m not fully convinced yet, but it is still early days and the blurb shows a LOT of promise. Fingers crossed!

My teaser (5%):

“The library smelled substantial; it smelled of both life and death. The air was stale and still and Arthur felt the atmosphere of the place envelop him. He was home.”

What are you reading right now?


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