TEASER TUESDAYS is a weekly book meme hosted at The Purple Booker. To participate, just open the book you are currently reading to a random page, and choose two ‘teaser’ sentences from somewhere on that page. (no spoilers!)

I’m currently reading one of my pending ARCs: All Things Bright And Strange by James Markert. I just couldn’t resist requesting this one after enjoying What Blooms From Dust earlier this month, and the premise of this story sounds really interesting. I love the setting just after WWI and the fact the main character is a veteran! Looking forward to see how historical fiction mixes with the magical realism/fantasy elements.

My teaser (8%):

“Berny didn’t react much to anything anymore. After delivering eleven death telegrams during the war and comforting each new widow at their doorstep, his will to smile had been siphoned.”

What are you reading right now?


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