Stacking The Shelves is hosted at Tynga’s Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Soooo… What has been the ARC damage since my last STS post two weeks ago? My ARC requests are still closed down as I want to take a break from ARCs, but of course I will never be able to ignore Netgalley completely… I was just wondering what Middle Grade to read when I saw The Mysterious Disappearance Of Aidan S. and added it on a whim.  I also couldn’t resist The Knockout Rule as I’ve been craving more contemporaries and I liked the sound of the blurb… I’ve already read and reviewed both, so they don’t count right? 😉

Afterwards, I didn’t exactly behave well… First, my request for All The Murmuring Bones was approved, which I’m super excited about as I love the sound of this gothic fairy tale. I also couldn’t resist Thirty-One Bones after reading the blurb; I love the sound of the setting in Spain and the crime angle. And of course I couldn’t resist getting a copy of the newest DI Amy Winter sequel, especially since I enjoyed the first three books and I don’t want to get behind. Whoops?

That’s not all though, as of course I ended up giving in to a couple of ARC invites as well. Double whoops? xD I guess they do bring me closer to that magical 500 NG reviews badge at least…

And you think I would be done by now right? Well, guess again. xD I also added The Islanders on a whim, but as I read (and LOVED) it straight away it doesn’t count right?  And my request for The Good Lie was approved against expectations… Not that I’m complaining of course. 😉


Click on the summaries below to go to the Goodreads page…

I hope everyone is staying safe and making the best of their weekend! ❤

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