Title: Hollow Beasts
(Jodi Luna #1)

Author: Alisa Lynn Valdes
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Crime
First published: April 1st 2023
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Finished reading: April 3rd 2023
Pages: 253

“Everything about the man seemed as fake as a six-dollar bill. And Lyle should know, because most things about Lyle were fake too.”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


Sometimes a book just calls to you and demands to be read, and this is exactly what happened as soon as I first saw Hollow Beasts. I’m not only talking about that eye-catching cover, but also about the blurb itself. I loved the sound of the New Mexico setting and the focus on local culture as well as the game warden angle, and the case itself sounded fascinating as well. I couldn’t resist diving straight in, and I have to say that I very much enjoyed the ride.

Hollow Beasts is the first book of a new series, and one that I will be looking out for in the future. What makes this book stand out from your regular crime thrillers is both the previously mentioned New Mexico setting and the fact that the main character is a game warden and not a police officer. The focus on the wilderness and the important role the Rio Truchas County setting plays in the plot give the story an unique touch, and one that really took the story to the next level for me. There is even some focus on the wildlife (wolves) and the setting itself is integral to the plot.

I could also appreciate the focus on local culture, with its Mexican heritage, customs and descriptions that made me crave Mexican food. There is also an important focus on xenophobia and racism, and the whole white supremacist group made for an interesting contrast with the rest of the characters. It’s sad that these beliefs are still all too realistic even in present days, and it’s definitely a scary thought to have those with such extreme beliefs run wild. There is also focus on other heavy topics including teen pregnancy, forced institutionalization, religion, death, grief, animal cruelty, abuse and torture. All in all Hollow Beasts isn’t exactly a light read, although it does have moments of banter and especially family bonds and friendship.

As for the characters… I liked Jodi’s character from the very beginning, and I enjoyed spending time with her. There is quite a cast of characters in Hollow Beasts, and it might take some time to get used to, but once you do it is very easy to just keep turning those pages. Especially with the pace picking up more and more as the plot evolves… There were plenty of other characters to like as well, but I do have to say that the ‘bad guys’ were a bit too cliche. I could appreciate the fact that there wasn’t too much focus on romance in this first book, although there were hints at a possible love triangle coming forward in the future.

All in all Hollow Beasts turned out to be an entertaining, twisted, unique and impactful crime thriller and I will definitely be looking forward to see what will happen to Jodi Luna and the rest of the characters in the future. The New Mexico setting is a bonus!

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