WWW WEDNESDAYS is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words and is all about answering the three questions below.


I’m currently reading Stigma by Thomas Enger and Jørn Lier Horst… I love this series so I’m still not sure why it took me this long to pick up the sequel! I’m also starting most anticipated release Becoming Ted by Matt Cain. I have such high expectations for this one after a fantastic experience listening to The Secret Life Of Albert Entwistle back in 2022. Last but not least I was in the mood to read a physical copy, so I decided to finally pick up my copy of Her Name Was Rose by Claire Allan.


1. The Offing by Roz Nay (4.25/5 stars) REVIEW 26/05
I admit that I have a weak spot for both a travel element and an Australian setting in my stories, so it’s easy to understand why I ended up adding The Offing to my TBR. I was especially intrigued by the fact that at least part of the story takes place on a boat, and of course the hint that something sinister might be happening helped as well… And boy, what a twisted, engaging and gripping thriller it turned out to be! This is my first time reading Roz Nay, but I will definitely be back for more.

2. Guilty Mothers by Angela Marsons (4.5/5 stars) REVIEW 24/05
I know that I started this series late, but now that I’m fully caught up I’m not letting it slip between the cracks of my TBR mountain again. Of course the fact that the DI Kim Stone books just keep delivering one satisfying detective thriller after the other also plays a big role, and I always do a little happy dance whenever a new sequel appears on my kindle. I can’t believe that Guilty Mothers is already book number twenty, and it is without doubt another worthy addition to the series.

3. The Fountains Of Silence by Ruta Sepetys (5/5 stars) REREAD (NO REVIEW)
This was one of my 2019 favorites when I read it the first time around, and I loved this story just as much as a buddy reread with Nicki. It brought back great memories of my time in Madrid and I had forgotten so many details since I first read it… It’s a fantastic piece of historical fiction set during Franco’s dictatorship in Spain, using a multiple POV structure to show us different perspectives of life in Madrid after the Spanish Civil War.

4. Into The Flames by James Delargy (2.5/5 stars) REVIEW 18/05
I’ve been meaning to try this author for quite some time now. I love both an Australian setting and a natural disaster element in my thrillers, so of course I couldn’t resist the premise of James Delargy‘s newest story Into The Flames. I mean, a murder investigation in the middle of a bushfire?! That definitely is a way to guarantee an intense and dangerous situation with a fight against the flames as well as the killer… Against expectations, Into The Flames fell surprisingly flat for me though. More about the why in my review.

5. Nachtzwemmen (Swimming At Night/The Sea Sisters) by Lucy Clarke (3.25/5 stars) REVIEW 19/05
I have a yearly goal of reading at least one book in Dutch, and this year I ended up deciding to read the Dutch translation of one of Lucy Clarke‘s books. I always love a travel element in my thrillers and I’ve enjoyed her writing in the past, so I was hoping that this would make the task of reading in a language I hardly use anymore a little easier… But sadly I did end up having mixed thoughts. More about what did and didn’t work in my shorties review.

6. Prickly Company by Kitty Johnson (2.25/5 stars) REVIEW 20/05
I have a weak spot for contemporaries that include animals as well as stories with a community vibe, so I was immediately intrigued by Prickly Company. I loved the sound of Hilltop Place with its neighbors as well as the focus on the hedgehogs… Can we all agree just how cute those little creatures are?! Anyhow, I’ve been looking forward to tackle this story, as I’ve been in the mood for an uplifting and fun contemporary for a while. Sadly, Prickly Company doesn’t exactly fit that description though, and I can’t say I was a fan of what I found instead. Drama, drama, and more drama! Definitely not for me.

7. The Next Girl by Carla Kovach (3.25/5 stars) REVIEW 16/05
I came across this series when I was browsing my kindle for kindle freebies to read to help complete my goal, and since I’ve been meaning to try Carla Kovach‘s writing for a while now I decided to give in. The Next Girl is the first book of a detective thriller series, and it starts on a heavy note with a kidnapping case as well as a focus on domestic abuse. It’s not a bad read, but somehow there wasn’t really anything that made this thriller stand out from other books in the genre either.


Next up is most likely Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson, which I keep hearing excellent things about. Then it’s a June ARC with Original Twin by Paula Gleeson; I’m so intrigued by the blurb of this one… And I want to read XOXO by Axie Oh for a challenge. Last but not least, I hope to read my latest TBR jar pick Burn by Patrick Ness some time soon.

You can also find me at Goodreads. StoryGraph. Twitter. Instagram. Bloglovin’.