
Title: Halloween Kentucky Style
Author: Charles Suddeth
Genre: Children, Suspense, Fiction
First published: October 15th 2010
Finished reading: November 29th 2014
Pages: 64
Rating 2,5

“Danny’s latest vocal production came to a screeching halt as he gazed upon something that was certainly not in the plans. A huge, horrible figure loomed over him, reminding him of King Kong.”


I came across this short children story when I was looking for something Halloween themed for the Bookish Bingo. I thought a short read would be perfect, mostly because Halloween has already passed and I didn’t want to waste too much time on a book theme I should have read a month ago. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really impressed by this story written by Charles Suddeth.  I don’t know if Halloween Kentucky Style was ment to be scary, because it definitely wasn’t. The characters were on the verge of boring and the end wasn’t satisfying at all. Two and a half stars for the effort, but I won’t be reading this to my future children…


Mike and Timmy are trying to scare their cousins Alice and Rose on Halloween. They enter an old deserted house and think it is perfect for a prank… They invent a story about ghosts in the mansion and ask another kid to play the ghost when they take their cousins on a tour. First they go to the cementry, where they have their first scare… The girls are not pleased and tell Mike and Timmy there won’t be treats if they play any more tricks.

 What they don’t know, is that the mansion wasn’t deserted after all. A homeless man who doesn’t like any company spends some nights at the grounds and doesn’t want any kids nosing around. He is determined to give the kids a scare they won’t soon forget… And when they go to an old mill afterwards, the Halloween tricks are not over yet.


I guess the good part of the story was that it was short. I didn’t like the writing style and the characters were not exactly likable. I know it is a children story and short stories in general don’t allow for characters with some dept, but still… I don’t think I would recommend reading this to children; there are way better children books out there.