
TEASER TUESDAYS is a weekly book meme originally featured at A Daily Rhythm. To participate, just open the book you are currently reading to a random page, and choose two ‘teaser’ sentences from somewhere on that page. (no spoilers!)

I still haven’t finished Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch… It’s taking me a long time to finish this one, although part of the ‘problem’ is that I was away camping for the last three days. It’s quite an interesting read and I really like the worldbuilding. The love triangle is a setback, but fortunately enough so far it hasn’t been as annoying as I initially thought.


My teaser (57%):

“No one says a word, no one shouts orders, no one even breathes too loudly. We’re all just waiting in the heart-shattering anticipation of death marching toward us.”

What are you reading right now?