
Like the title says: I’m back in business!! 😀 Ok, technically I got back last week, but things are still quite busy so today is the first time I’ve been able to properly sit down and blog again. And I’m definitely glad to be back home!

Lots of things happened since my last post… I was in the Netherlands for about three weeks, with lots and lots of spare time to read outside when I wasn’t doing paperwork. Everything went a lot faster than expected so yay! I also made use of my free time to get myself some new books; 7 of them in Dutch (so I can practise since nobody I tried to talk to believed I was actually Dutch haha). Also, I got a new tattoo! I’ve been wanting to for a while now, and I’m happy with how it turned out. 🙂


I didn’t travel back home straight away though. Together with my hubby we decided to go on a mini vacation to the Iguazu Falls instead and the national park was just as breathtaking as the first time around. Also, my tattoo butterfly got to meet her inspiration!


I will be putting together a few posts together soon, including book haul, arc haul, books I’ve read while I was away and pending book reviews. Hopefully things will be back to normal by next weekend!

I hope everyone is doing great; I’ve missed you all!