WWW WEDNESDAYS is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words and is all about answering the three questions below.


I’m currently reading one of my 2021 most anticipated releases and sequel of an all time favorite: The Second Blind Son by Amy Harmon. I have such high hopes for this book! I’m also starting a new physical copy: The Lost Man by Jane Harper. I’m still not sure why it took me this long to actually pick it up as I love her writing, but better late than never I guess. xD


1. The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara (3/5 stars) REVIEW 20/08
There was just something about the blurb of The Meeting Point that caught my attention immediately… While I’m not a fan of the whole cheating element, the promise of a chance meeting and a bad situation turning into something positive made me want to read this romance story anyway. And it turned out to be quite a cute read with both a bookish element and a fantastic setting. Sure, there were things that didn’t work for me that well, but as a whole I’m having a feeling fans of the genre will enjoy this one.

2. Girls Who Lie by Eva Bjorg Aegisdottir (4,5/5 stars) BLOG TOUR REVIEW 09/07
Look out for my thoughts during my stop of the blog tour!!

3. Blood Lines by Angela Marsons (4/5 stars) REVIEW 11/07
I guess 2021 is the year I finally catch up with this series… Blood Lines is already the sixth book I’ve read of the DI Kim Stone series, and once again a satisfying read. Suspenseful, dark, entertaining, twisted… This detective series just keeps delivering and I already can’t wait to read the next book. The only minor blip in this one would be the reappearance of Alexandra Thorne (who first showed up in book two), which I personally had mixed feelings about.


Im reading most anticipated release The Devil’s Advocate by Steve Cavanagh next no matter what as I’m long overdue for another dose of Eddie Flynn! I love this series and I can’t wait to meet up with him again. Afterwards it’s another romance break with The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren: there has been some controversity around this title so I’m curious to see how I will react to it. After that, it’s back to ARCs as I want to be able to take a complete break from ARCs in August… First up is probably The Chateau by Catherine Cooper. And I won’t be able to read my latest TBR jar pick Red Winter by Dan Smith until well into the second half of July though as there are other titles I need/want to read first.

You can also find me at Goodreads. Twitter. Instagram. Bloglovin’.