Title: Gone To Ground
(Detective Kay Hunter #6)
Author: Rachel Amphlett
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Crime
First published: July 8th 2018
Publisher: Saxon Publishing
Finished reading: September 8th 2018
Pages: 376

“She had tried to push the memory away over the years, heeding the advice of the psychologists her parents had consulted, but she would never forget the stench of burning human flesh.”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I have been mentioning this series a lot during the last couple of months, and Detective Kay Hunter has quickly grown into a new favorite of mine. I’m still kicking myself for not starting this series sooner, but at least I have another new favorite discovery to add to my list of 2018 top reads… Gone To Ground is already book number six in the series, and once again an excellent read. This series hasn’t disappointed me yet! I always look forward spending more time with Kay Hunter, and time always flies as soon as I start reading the first page. I literally flew through Gone To Ground and finished it in less than a day. I really like the new dynamics between Hunter and her team and reading about them is like returning to an old friend. The writing is sold, engaging and the plot twists are very well executed. I had no idea who was behind it all until the very end! And I do love my surprises. This investigation starts out a little slower than usual, as there are a lot of unknowns, but it leaves us with more time to spend with our favorite main characters instead. It was interesting to see how things slowly started to fit together and boy, what an ending! Disturbing, shocking and chilled me to the bone… Gone To Ground is without doubt another excellent to this series. I can highly recommend all six books to any detective thriller fan.


WARNING: Possible spoilers! Please don’t read this summary if you haven’t read the first five books of this series yet. I’ll keep the summary super short but it’s impossible to keep it completely spoiler-free…

When a discarded body part is found by a couple of cyclers, DI Kay Hunter and her team have no idea about the who, how and why. It’s hard to identify the victim based on the little evidence they have, but as more body parts start showing up, they are slowly starting to piece things together. Kay realises they have another serial killer on the loose, and they will have to step up their game before he kills again.


If you are looking for a detective thriller series that keeps delivering, a plot that will keep you guessing until the very end or simply a very engaging and absorbing read, you will find all those things are covered in every single Detective Kay Hunter book. Gone To Ground is no exception and has exactly the same high quality I have become used to. I liked spending more time with my favorite team and while the case they investigate took some time to start rolling, the ending left me completely shocked. I definitely didn’t see that coming! Yet another detective thriller winner and without doubt worth the read.


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