Title: The Good Twin
Author: Marti Green
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense
First published: May 15th 2018
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Finished reading: March 28th 2018
Pages: 272

“Nothing in life is foolproof.”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I always love a good psychological thriller and I was immediately intrigued when I read the blurb of The Good Twin. Deception, twists, suspense… Always consider me signed up for that! I want to say before I start my review that it is preferable to go into this psychological thriller completely blind and don’t pay too much attention to the blurb. Thankfully I didn’t remember the details myself when I started reading The Good Twin, but the blurb does give some spoilers that might ruin some of the surprises and twists. Of course I have adapted my own summary to avoid those spoilers. Ok, what that out of the way, it’s time to talk about this story. Because boy, it was one heck of a ride… I found myself hooked from the moment I started reading, and this had a lot to do with the writing style. There is just something about the way Marti Green writes that makes me fly through the pages and I literally finished it in less than a day. The Good Twin kind of has that The Kind Worth Killing air, and only in the best possible way. The plot development and the order in which the story is told, from different POVs, are both simply brilliant and only add to the overall suspense. I don’t want to give away too much of the plot to avoid spoilers, but there will be twists that will mislead you and you won’t be able to get the full picture until the very end. Always a good sign of a successful psychological thriller right? The main characters are very important in this story and have been very well developed, each identical twin with her own background story. They were easy to relate to and it was interesting to see the events unfold and find out how they reacted to it all. In short a highly entertaining, fascinating and well developed little masterpiece of psychological suspense.


Mallory Holcolm hasn’t had an easy life, growing up with a single mom and not a penny to spare. She has finally made it to New York to chase her dream of becoming an artist, talking art classes when she is not working as a waitress. Then one day she discovers something truly remarkable about her past: she has an identical twin she never even knew existed. Charly has had quite a different life than Mallory, being adopted by very wealthy parents and she never wanted for anything during her childhood. She is married to her college sweetheart Ben, owns a gallery and is the heiress of her father’s fortune. Mallory found out about Charly by chance, and it is also by chance she meets her sister’s husband Ben first. And what Ben proposes to Mallory might just change both their lives forever…


There is no doubt whatsoever that The Good Twin has everything I look for in a psychological thriller and more. A well developed plot, interesting characters, just the right amount of suspense and plot twists to keep me guessing… And of course a writing style that is engaging and flows naturally. The premise of The Good Twin is fantastic, and the execution without doubt lives up to expectations. It’s easy to say I can recommend it to any psychological thriller fan. You will be in for a treat with this one!


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